Welcome to my story

"I shout my story to the world, calling into the sky, waiting for someone who cares."

Thursday, February 10, 2011

My story

This going to be hard... but I have to spill it somewhere. I will first tell you my story is a true, sad one. I'm just a girl, maybe not just, and I'm thirteen, living in Nunavut Canada. I'm not really that remarkable, but someone thinks so. That's enough about me, now my story, up to now.

I meet a guy, he is not tall, but really beautiful, I pay no attention, he wouldn't care about me. Little do I know, that he's paying attention to me. Then I met, not just a 'hi' kind of meet, but a real meet. He was interested from where I came from, but not rude about it like most people. I can't really remember what happened that day, but by the end he ask me to go camping. Of course I said yes, being the girl I am. I can't wait, but I'm sort of afraid to. The day comes, and I wake up 4:00 am (that's normal), 5:00 am, 6:00 am, 7:00 am, 8:00 am, 9:00 am, by then I'm getting annoyed since he's not calling. I wait another hour, sitting by the phone, widling a block of wood, into a jagged shape. The phone starts to ring, I get up, and pick it up, sure enough, it's him. He sounds happy, and frightened like me. We decide nervously that we are going to take our camping things, and meet for lunch before we go. I wait to 11:00 and I hear a knock on the door, it's him. His beautiful, soft green eyes stare at me. I step out of the car, and his hand softly guides me away. Since there is no real shop in town, or a real town at all, we just deicide to have lunch at the neighbor's house that I'm suppose to be caring for. We have liver, but we talk more then eat. I asked him if I should take my dog sled, or an extra knife, and he asked me different sort of questions. He asked me about my family, and about my life, he complimented me. I know that he loves me, and I love him. I pack my sled and we're off. The short shrubs of northern Canada protrude from the landscape, and the short juts we live in, are long behind us. We make camp, near a lake. (Here comes the romance ;) ) I open up the classic adventure meal, weird chunks of meat and Chef Boyarde. We sit around a fire, laughing telling stories, into the night. Then something weird happened the stars started shining. Right down at us, the stars grinned and shimmered. We lay on our backs staring off into the sky falling asleep, and I knew it was true.